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In Tyl-Sjok, counting is possible in decimal as well as in hexadecimal systems. Digit words exist for 0 to 15. Quite large numbers consisting of only one stem also exist.

Numbers have developed in several steps in Tyl-Sjok. The first numbers that were used where 1, 2 and 3. Their pronunciation has not changed until today.

In the early stages of the language, the numbers to ten have developed. They collapsed to single stems during the course of time since they became more and more used and had to be short and easy to pronounce. Powers of ten developed, too, in order to count large numbers.

Long after the decimal numbers had appeared, people started to use hexadecimal numbers. During that time, the numbers up to sixteen developed and powers of sixteen were constructed the way powers of ten were constructed before.

In earlier times, numbers were composed in two ways.

If a smaller number preceded a bigger one, addition was meant (2+3), otherwise multiplication (3·2).

These rules applied for simple numbers when no ambiguity problems occurred. All the modern single stem numbers developed from old forms derived with the above rules.


The numbers 0 to 16 are as follows. Reconstructed older forms are sometimes given. The oldest number are 1, 2 and 3. All other numbers are contructed from these in some way or another.

0 tex2html_wrap_inline7517te? ling (not 1) tex2html_wrap_inline7397 tex2html_wrap_inline7517te?in tex2html_wrap_inline7397 tjen
1 tex2html_wrap_inline7517ling ling
2 tex2html_wrap_inline7517kul kul
3 tex2html_wrap_inline7517hen hen
4 tex2html_wrap_inline7517kul kul (2 · 2) tex2html_wrap_inline7397 tex2html_wrap_inline7517kukul tex2html_wrap_inline7397 tex2html_wrap_inline7517xukul tex2html_wrap_inline7397 tex2html_wrap_inline7517xuhu tex2html_wrap_inline7397 xun
5 tex2html_wrap_inline7517kul hen (2 + 3) tex2html_wrap_inline7397 tex2html_wrap_inline7517kulen tex2html_wrap_inline7397 tex2html_wrap_inline7517kwyn tex2html_wrap_inline7397 kyng
6 tex2html_wrap_inline7517hen kul (3 · 2) tex2html_wrap_inline7397 tex2html_wrap_inline7517?engkul tex2html_wrap_inline7397 tex2html_wrap_inline7517?eNul tex2html_wrap_inline7397 exul
7 tex2html_wrap_inline7517ling hen kul (1 + 6) tex2html_wrap_inline7397 tex2html_wrap_inline7517lihexu ljehu
8 tex2html_wrap_inline7517kul kul kul (2· 2· 2) tex2html_wrap_inline7397 tex2html_wrap_inline7517xoun kul tex2html_wrap_inline7397 tex2html_wrap_inline7517xngkul tex2html_wrap_inline7397 tex2html_wrap_inline7517xntu tex2html_wrap_inline7397 xwt
9 tex2html_wrap_inline7517hen hen (3· 3) tex2html_wrap_inline7397 tex2html_wrap_inline7517heheintex2html_wrap_inline7397 hang
10tex2html_wrap_inline7517kul hen kul (5 · 2) tex2html_wrap_inline7397 ? tex2html_wrap_inline7397 kjox.-count, kjox.count
11tex2html_wrap_inline7517ling kjox (1 + 10) tex2html_wrap_inline7397 liko
12tex2html_wrap_inline7517?exul kul (6 · 2) tex2html_wrap_inline7397 jol
13tex2html_wrap_inline7517hen kjox (3 + 10) tex2html_wrap_inline7397 heko
14tex2html_wrap_inline7517leihu kul (7 · 2) tex2html_wrap_inline7397 ljoku
15tex2html_wrap_inline7517kulen ?en (5 · 3) tex2html_wrap_inline7397 kehen
16tex2html_wrap_inline7517xwt kul (8 · 2) tex2html_wrap_inline7397 xuk

During the development of the language, different phonetic rules existed. Open syllables where once allowed, these had to be closed later (with an n or s). Syllabic nasals once existed, so filling vowels had to be used later. Some shifts are still unclear, since the complete set of rules is unknown today.

The numbers 11 ...16 and 0 developed much later than 4 ...10, so these numbers use the reduced forms of 1 ...10 as a basis. The most important number to construct others was 2.


For forming larger numbers, the verb ?il `to the power of' is used. A `?il' B means `B to the power of A'. E.g. `a hundred' = kul ?il kjox.count. `two hundred' = kul ?il kjox.count kul.


The system of additional left and multiplication right that was used in the old days of the language where not flexible enough for large numbers. Today, the verb `to add' ?wng is used to compose numbers by addition. Multiplication is still performed by the normal process of multiplicative genitive.


In the decimal system, the numbers 11 to 16 are sometimes taken from the hexadecimal system for shortcuts. However, they can be formed fully regularly, too.

eleven kjox.count ?wng ling
twelve kjox.count ?wng kul
twenty kjox.count kul
thirty kjox.count ?en
twohundred kul kjox.count kul
1999 ?en ?il kjox.count ?wN kul ?il kjox.count han ?wN kjox.count han ?wN han

10002 xoun il kjox.count wng kul
20000 xoun il kjox.count kul
340000 kyng il kjox.count en wng xoun il kjox.count xoun
300004 kyng il kjox.count en wng xoun
347225 kyng il kjox.count en wng xoun il kjox.count xoun wng en il kjox.count leihu wng kul il kjox.count kul wng kjox.count kul wng kyng


To abbreviate numbers, the digits and the first power can be used alone: 347225 = kyng in kjox.count en xoun leihu kul kul kyng.

The sequence need not be complete: 3425000 = ?exul ?il kjox.count ?en xoun kul kyng.

FIXME: Define negative, fractional and floating point numbers..


The system is the same as for decimal numbers with the difference that in hexadecimal, all one-stem digits need to be used. There are no alternative forms.

17 0x11 xuk ?wng ling
32 0x20 xuk kul

And just for the fun of it, let's have the program s2count say


kjox.count ?exul ?wng leihu ?il xuk.count kul ?wng kjox.count ?exul ?wng ?exul ?il xuk.count leihu ?wng kjox.count ?exul ?wng kyng ?il xuk.count kjox.-count ?wng kjox.count ?exul ?wng xoun ?il xuk.count kehen ?wng kjox.count ?exul ?wng ?en ?il xuk.count kehen ?wng kjox.count ?exul ?wng kul ?il xuk.count lingkox ?wng kjox.count ?exul ?il xuk.count ljokul ?wng kjox.count kyng ?wng han ?il xuk.count ljokul ?wng kjox.count kyng ?wng xwt ?il xuk.count ljokul ?wng kjox.count kyng ?wng leihu ?il xuk.count kul ?wng kjox.count kyng ?wng ?exul ?il xuk.count han ?wN kjox.count kyng ?wng kyng ?il xuk.count jol ?wng kjox.count kyng ?wng xoun ?il xuk.count xwt ?wng kjox.count kyng ?wng ?en ?il xuk.count kehen ?wN kjox.count kyng ?wng kul ?il xuk.count kul ?wng kjox.count kyng ?wng liN ?il xuk.count ?wng kjox.count kyng ?il xuk.count han ?wng kjox.count xoun ?wng xwt ?il xuk.count kul ?wng kjox.count xoun ?wng leihu ?il xuk.count kehen ?wng kjox.count xoun ?wng ?exul ?il xuk.count kyng ?wng kjox.count xoun ?wng kyng ?il xuk.count ?wng kjox.count xoun ?wng xoun ?il xuk.count lingkox ?wng kjox.count xoun ?wng ?en ?il xuk.count jol ?wng kjox.count xoun ?wng kul ?il xuk.count ?en ?wng kjox.count xoun ?wng ling ?il xuk.count lingkox ?wng kjox.count ?en ?wng han ?il xuk.count ?exul ?wN kjox.count ?en ?wng xwt ?il xuk.count kul ?wng kjox.count ?en ?wng leihu ?il xuk.count kjox.-count ?wng kjox.count ?en ?wng ?exul ?il xuk.count ?wng kjox.count ?en ?wng kyng ?il xuk.count ljokul ?wng kjox.count ?en ?wN xoun ?il xuk.count kyng ?wng kjox.count ?en ?wng ?en ?il xuk.count ljokul ?wng kjox.count ?en ?wng kul ?il xuk.count ?exul ?wng kjox.count ?en ?wN ling ?il xuk.count han ?wng kjox.count ?en ?il xuk.count kehen ?wN kjox.count kul ?wng han ?il xuk.count xoun ?wng kjox.count kul ?wng xwt ?il xuk.count leihu ?wng kjox.count kul ?wng leihu ?il xuk.count jol ?wng kjox.count kul ?wng ?exul ?il xuk.count ?en ?wng kjox.count kul ?wN kyng ?il xuk.count xwt ?wng kjox.count kul ?wng xoun ?il xuk.count kul ?wng kjox.count kul ?wng ?en ?il xuk.count han ?wng kjox.count kul ?wN kul ?il xuk.count kyng ?wng kjox.count kul ?wng ling ?il xuk.count kul ?wN kjox.count kul ?il xuk.count kjox.-count ?wng kjox.count ?wng han ?il xuk.count ljokul ?wng kjox.count ?wng xwt ?il xuk.count jol ?wN kjox.count ?wng leihu ?il xuk.count leihu ?wng kjox.count ?wng ?exul ?il xuk.count ljokul ?wng kjox.count ?wng kyng ?il xuk.count xwt ?wN kjox.count ?wng xoun ?il xuk.count ?exul ?wng kjox.count ?wng ?en ?il xuk.count kyng ?wng kjox.count ?wng kul ?il xuk.count xoun ?wng kjox.count ?wng ling ?il xuk.count xwt ?wng kjox.count ?il xuk.count xoun ?wng han ?il xuk.count lingkox ?wng xwt ?il xuk.count kul ?wng leihu ?il xuk.count kehen ?wng ?exul ?il xuk.count kul ?wng kyng ?il xuk.count kjox.-count ?wng xoun ?il xuk.count kul ?wng ?en ?il xuk.count ljokul ?wng kul ?il xuk.count leihu ?wng xuk.count han ?wng kul .

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Henrik Theiling
Sat Jun 9 18:52:24 CEST 2001