Ring N/X: 8/11: Vallés

Jeff Jones
[ Relay 11 | Ring E | Ring N/X | Conlangs | Participants ]
[ Vallés | Smooth English | Interlinear | Grammar | Vocabulary | Abbrevs. ]

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  1. Pan de Carne Savorós

  2. Mescla l uælh è le sal congla farina
  3. è pong-li del agua si st negessær.
  4. Pon la pasta ale ladz.
  5. Talha à piatzas o carne bollid.
  6. Mescla dez iarbas savorosas ed aocuns grans de sal congla cibola.
  7. Pressa la pasta conglas mans.
  8. Fai-la la forma di una piadra rodonda tan grande como un sem grand.
  9. Va pressande-la afinquë stéd una piadra rodonda cosi alta.
  10. Pon una petzella de carne onni alos mesáns de las piadras.
  11. Plega onne las piadras en duas partes.
  12. Cogina-las à un forne afinquë stent auriosas.

Smooth Translation

  1. Tasty Meatbread

  2. Mix the oil and the salt with the flour
  3. and add some water to it, if necessary.
  4. Set the dough aside.
  5. Cut the boiled meat into pieces.
  6. Mix some savory herbs and a few grains of salt with the onion.
  7. Press on the dough with your hands.
  8. Shape it into a round "stone" the size of a big seed.
  9. Continue pressing on it until it's a somewhat high round "stone".
  10. Put a little piece of meat in the middle of each "stone".
  11. Fold each "stone" into 2 parts.
  12. Bake them until they're golden.


Pan de Carne Savorós
N.M of N.M Adj.M
Tasty Meatbread

Mescla l uælh è le sal congla farina
VT.Imp DA.M N.M and DA.M N.M with-DA.F N.F
Mix the oil and the salt with the flour

è pong-li del agua si st negessær.
and VT.Imp-3IO of-DA.F N.F if be1.Prs.Ind.3 Adj.M
and add some water to it, if necessary.

Pon la pasta ale ladz.
VT.Imp DA.F N.F to-DA.M N.M
Set the dough aside.

Talha à piatzas o carne bollid.
VT.Imp to N.F-P DA.M N.M VT-PstPt.M
Cut the boiled meat into pieces.

Mescla dez iarbas savorosas ed aocuns grans de sal congla cibola.
VT.Imp PA.P N.F-P A-F-P and a.few-P N.M-P of N.M with-DA.F N.F
Mix some savory herbs and a few grains of salt with the onion.

Pressa la pasta conglas mans.
VT.Imp DA.F N.F with-DA.F-P N.F-P
Press on the dough with your hands.

Fai-la la forma di una piadra rodonda tan grande como un sem grand.
VT.Imp-3DO.F DA.F N.F of IA-F N.F Adj-F so Adj.F like IA.M N.M Adj.M
Shape it into a round "stone" the size of a big seed.

Va pressande-la afinquë stéd una piadra rodonda cosi alta.
VI.Imp VT-Ger-DA.F until be2.Prs.Sub.3 IA-F N.F Adj-F Adv Adj-F
Continue pressing on it until it's a somewhat high round "stone".

Pon una petzella de carne onni alos mesáns de las piadras.
VT.Imp IA-F N.F of N.M each to-DA.M.P N.M-P of DA.F-P N.F-P
Put a little piece of meat in the middle of each "stone".

Plega onne las piadras en duas partes.
VT.Imp each DA.F-P N.F-P in two.P-F N.F-P
Fold each "stone" into 2 parts.

Cogina-las à un forne afinquë stent auriosas.
VT.Imp-3DO.F-P to IA.M N.M until be2.Prs.Sub-3.P Adj-F-P
Bake them until they're golden.


For the most part, Vallés is a typical Romance language, having morphological case only in pronouns, two genders, singular and plural, basically SVO order, etc.

Practically all plurals of nouns and adjectives are formed by adding -s.

Where distinguished, the feminines of adjectives are formed by adding -a; any acute accent on the original final syllable is dropped.

Gerunds are formed by adding -nd(e).

One peculiarity is that words may add, change, or drop sounds at the end (and sometimes at the beginning) of a word according to what other word may be adjacent; this is mostly reflected in the orthography.

Vallés has two words for "be" that occur in this text (labelled "be1" and "be2"); the difference isn't very significant here.


Verbs are cited in the Imperative Singular here, except where noted.

agua water
alt high
aocun some, a few
auriós golden
bollid boil
carne meat
cibola onion
cogina cook
cosi somewhat
fai make
farina flour
forma form
forne oven
grand(e) big
gran grain
iarba herb
man hand
mesán middle
mescla mix
negessær necessary
pan bread
part(e) part
pasta dough
petzella diminutive of piatza
piadra stone
piatza piece
pon(g) put
plega fold
pressa press
rodond round
sal salt
savorós tasty
sem seed
st be1.Prs.Ind.3
stéd be2.Prs.Sub.3
stent be2.Prs.Sub-3.P
talha cut
uælh oil
va go


3 3rd person
3DO 3rd person Direct Object pronoun
3IO 3rd person Indirect Object pronoun
Adj Adjective
Adv Adverb
DA Definite Article
F Feminine
Ger Gerund (note: this is actually more of a present participle!)
IA Indefinite Article
Imp Imperative mood
Ind Indicative mood
M Masculine
N Noun
PA Partitive Article
P Plural (Singular isn't marked here)
Prs Present tense
PstPt Past Participle
Sub Subjunctive mood
VT Verb, Transitive

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June 16th, 2005
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.