Ring E: 16/22: Carrajena

Adam Walker
[ Relay 11 | Ring E | Ring N/X | Conlangs | Participants ]
[ Carrajena | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

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Cumvi demanda fi mudarrad jan, ul su marri, ad tivi pomu esti pera falari ul su chivaju puachedisimu.

Dichid ad tivi: «Xilaxa ad ul covoju ed regojidji il carni bovi, als padadas, al paca aba, al farina djal avina jud tridigu, ul burru, ul laridu, als mutas chebujas, ul sau, il piberi, al galadaga china, ed ul zomidju djil Hesapi. Trida gata ad bini tridadu jid, il carni, als chebujas, ed als padadas. Agora loga in juna jovina ul tridadu simu magari ul sau ed il piberi, peru nu tan mutu djul sau.

Agora fachi juna maza djal aba, ul burru, il piberi, al galadaga china, ed ul zomidju. Nicumpui al maza cun ul tridadu pera facheri ils raviulis. Loga ils fistis in ul cocuehuilu pera sumedjeri in ul laridu pera bujiri.»

Smooth Translation


If you have this, please submit to Henrik.


Carrajena is a Romance language, but VSO due to the Punic substrate.

The language sometimes emphasises the subject (especially when dealing with multiple clauses following the verb) by using a pronoun in the subject slot immediately precceding the actual noun phrase identifying the topic.

As in other Romance languages, verbals can function as adjectives and as nouns.

The articles and adjectives agree with their nouns in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine, feminine or neuter). Citation form for adjectives in masc. sg.

all verbs drop -ari, -eri, -iri before adding the following endings

ARI verbs

-a 2nd sg pres.
-a imp.
-ad 3rd sg sbjctv.
-adu past part.

ERI verbs

-i imp.

IRI verbs

-id 3rd sg fut.


aba water
ad to
agora now
al fem. art.
avina oats
bini well
bovu cow
bujiri to boil
burru butter
carni meat
cocuehuilu wire spoon, a wide flatish "spoon" made of wire and used in the Carraxan kitchen for removing food from a boiling broth, etc.
covoju kitchen
cumpueri to fill
cumvi when
cun with (instrumental)
chebuja onion
chinu Chinese
chivaju food
demandari to ask
dichiri to say, to tell
djal "dji" + "al" of the, from the
djil "dji" + "il" of the, from the
djul "dji" + "ul" of the, from the
ed and
eseri to be
facheri to make, to form
falari to do, to make
farina flour
fi rel pron., that
fistu this
gadaga a Carraxan five-spice blend
gata until
Hesapi Häsape
il neut. art.
in in, on, at
jan 3rd nom. sg. fem.
jid 3rd nom. sg. neut.
jovina a large bowl
jud or
junu one, a
laridu lard, fat
laxari to go out
logari to place, to put
magari also
marri mother
maza dough
mudarrari to teach
mutu many, much, a lot
nu no, not
pacu few, a little, some
padada potato
pera for, in order to
peru but
piberi pepper
pomu how
puachedu enjoyed, liked, favored
raviuli stuffed dumpling
regojidjeri to collect, to gather together
sau salt
simu with (locative)
su 3rd pos. sg.
sumedjeri to plunge, to dip, to immerse
tan too
tivi 2nd. obj. sg.
tridari to mince, to grind
tridigu wheat
ul masc. art.
zomidju sauce
-isimu superlative degree
-s plural
ni- passive
xi- reflexive

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June 14th, 2005
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.