Ring E: 20/22: Old Albic

Jörg Rhiemeier
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[ Old Albic | Smooth English | Interlinear | Grammar | Vocabulary ]

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Old Albic

Sí gararátha ammem Ndoremada Machemada phar chvaras matalas matanathas, sanach natalora hañ:

Acajarara macal cvavamas, potetim, samelim, smeñ, ñal, haph, thaj, piper, pheldim Chinana majach tirph malag haralas u semelas. Acraphatha macal, potetim, a samelim nar phiñim pichithim; anadaratha amana merechana piper a thaj simiñ; achvaratha techen malegi, hephi, smeñi, piperi, pheldimi Chinana a majechi a ephelatha am techen merechi macaleri. Ndoremas Machemas oñgomara "raviolim". Sal asapharatha emim raviolim ñalas, a acvachatha isil baralas.


Smooth Translation

When you ask a mother from the Great Lands for the making of a very tasty meal, maybe she will answer thus:

You need beef, potatos, onions, butter, oil, water, salt, pepper, Chince spices, spicy sauce, oat or wheat flour. You chop meat, potatos and onions into very small pieces; you add pepper and a little salt to the mixture; you make dough from flour, water, butter, pepper, Chinese spices ans sauce and fill the dough with the meat mixture. In the Great Lands, they name it "ravioli". Now soak the ravioli in oil and cook until boiling.

Enjoy it!


gararátha ammem Ndoremada Machemada
when ask-PRES-3SG:P-2SG:A mother-OBJ land-PL-ABL great-PL-ABL
When you ask a mother from the Great Lands

phar chvaras matalas matanathas,
for make-VN meal-LOC tasty-SUP-LOC
for the making of a very tasty meal,

sanach natalora hañ:
maybe answer-FUT-3SG:A thus
maybe she will answer thus:

Acajarara macal cvavamas, potetim, samelim,
AOR-need-3SG:P-3SG:A meat cattle-LOC potato-PL onion-PL
You need beef, potatos, onions,

smeñ, ñal, haph, thaj, piper, pheldim Chinana
butter oil water salt pepper spice-PL China-ABL
butter, oil, water, salt, pepper, Chince spices,

majach tirph malag haralas u semelas.
sauce hot flour oats-LOC or wheat-LOC
spicy sauce, oat or wheat flour.

Acraphatha macal, potetim, a samelim nar phiñim pichithim;
AOR-chop-3SG:P-2SG:A meat potato-PL and onion-PL into piece-PL small-SUP-PL
You chop meat, potatos and onions into very small pieces;

anadaratha amana merechana piper a thaj simiñ;
AOR-add-3SG:P-2SG:A the:I-ALL mixture-ALL pepper and salt a.little
you add pepper and a little salt to the mixture;

achvaratha techen malegi, hephi, smeñi,
AOR-make-3SG:P-2SG:A dough flour-INST water-INST butter-INST
you make dough from flour, water, butter,

piperi, pheldimi Chinana a majechi
pepper-INST spice-PL-INST China-ABL and sauce-INST
pepper, Chinese spices ans sauce

a ephelatha am techen merechi macaleri.
and AOR-fill-3SG:P-2SG:A the:I dough mixture-INST meat-LOC-INST
and fill the dough with the meat mixture.

Ndoremas Machemas oñgomara "raviolim".
land-PL-LOC great-PL-LOC AOR-name-3SG:P-3PL:A "ravioli"
In the Great Lands, they name it "ravioli".

Sal asapharatha emim raviolim ñalas,
now AOR-soak-3SG:P-2SG:A the:I ravioli oil-LOC
Now soak the ravioli in oil

a acvachatha isil baralas.
and AOR-cook-3SG:P-2SG:A until boil-VN
and cook until boiling.

Enjoy it!



Old Albic is a richly inflecting (part agglutinating, part fusional) active-stative language of the fluid-S subtype, in which intranstitive subjects are marked like transitive subjects if they are agents, and like transitive objects otherwise. The unmarked word order is VSO.

Phonological alternations

An intervocalic /s/ becomes /r/. The vowels /a/, /i/ and /u/ cause umlaut (changes of preceding vowels):

/a/ lowers (i -> e, y -> ø, u -> o),
/i/ fronts (a -> e, o -> ø, u -> y),
/u/ rounds (a -> o, e -> ø, i -> y).

Some affixes undergo vowel harmony, i.e. the vowel in them assimilates to the nearest stem vowel.


The Old Albic noun has eight cases:

Agentive AS-0
Genitive AS-as
Dative AS-ana
Objective OS-0
Instrumental OS-i
Allative OS-ana
Locative OS-as
Ablative OS-ada

Most are what you expect, but the locative also marks inalienable possessors and objects of verbal nouns. The agentive is also used as vocative. The instrumental is also used to derive adverbs from adjectives.

The symbols `AS' and `OS' represent the agentive and objective stems, respectively. The AS of an animate noun ends in a vowel indicating gender and number:

masc. sing. -o
fem. sing. -e
common sing. -a
dual -u
plural -i

The OS is formed by adding -m to the AS. Inanimate nouns have only an unmarked OS (dual -um, plural -im) and no AS.

Nouns modifying other nouns (including arguments of verbal nouns) undergo suffixaufnahme, i.e. they agree with the head noun in number and case in addition to their own number and case.


The Old Albic verb takes person/number suffixes for agent and patient if transitive, for agent if active intransitive, and for patient if inactive intransitive:

  A P
1sg. -ma -ha
2sg. -tha -cha
3sg. -sa -a
1pl. -mi -hi
2pl. -thi -chi
3pl. -si -i

There are eight tense/aspect/mood forms:

present -a
imperfect -n- /-@n
future -u
conditional -n-u / -@nu
aorist °- (subject to vowel harmony)
subjunctive -i
aorist subjunctive °-...-i
imperative -0

An important nonfinite form of the verb is the verbal noun, formed with the suffix -as. It declines like a regular inanimate noun. The arguments of the verbal noun are coded as possessors: the agent in genitive, the patient in locative case.


a conj. and
acraphatha   (craph-) you chop (it) (aorist)
achvaratha   (chvar-) you make (it)
amme n. mother
baral- vi. to boil
cajar- vt. to need
cvach- vt. to cook
cvava (locative cvavamas) n. cattle
China n. China (loanword)
ephelatha   (phel-) you fill (it)
garar- vt. to ask
hañ conj. thus
haph n. water
haral n. oats
isil prep. until
macal n. flesh
mach adj. great
majach n. sauce
mat- vt. to eat
matal n. meal
matan adj. tasty (superlative _matanath_)
malag n. flour
merechana   (merech-) allative case of `mixture'
merechi   (merech-) instrumental case of `mixture'
nadar- vt. to add
nar prep. to, into
naraj- vi. to enjoy
natal- vi. to answer
ndor n. land; Ndørim Mechim `The Great Lands' the European mainland
ñal n. oil.
oñgomara   (ñgom-) they name it
pich adj. small (superlative _pichith_)
piper n. pepper (loanword)
potet n. potato (loanword)
phald n. spice
phar conj. in order to
phiñ n. piece
sal   now
samal n. onion
sanach adv. maybe
saphar- vt. to soak
semel n. wheat
conj. when
simiñ adv. a little
smeñ n. butter
techen n. dough
tirph adj. hot, spicy
thaj n. salt
u conj. or

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June 14th, 2005
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? You can drop me a line.